Business Admins

Standard Forms

To access standard forms, access the setup menu and scroll down to Forms, select Standard Forms.  Select desired forms to insert into the application.  Previews are available for each. The lower set of Optional Forms has the additional ability to select to insert into workflows that apply to employee giving programs.


The Forms Builder allows you to select from a number of standard form questions to insert into the application process and to build custom forms with both traditional questions and auto-scored questions.

Employee Messages

Employee Messages are reserved for the welcome email sent to employees when running employee programs.

General Messages

General Messages are system generated notifications based on activity that takes place in the system.  Default text may be created for the following notifications: Messages use a front-end content editor and can be edited using html. The acknowledgment email is sent to the applicant and includes tracking number.  If the applicant is an individual requesting …

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Editing Budgets

To edit a Budget, access Budgets for the desired program / project, click the Edit hotlink.  Additional actions are:   TIP:  Archived Budgets are visible in the lower part of the view under “Archived Budgets”.  Archived budgets will not appear in the list as an option when assigning a budget to transaction requests.   To view …

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Creating Budgets

To create one or more budgets that apply to a program / profile, access the setup menu, scroll down to Budgets.  Next, Click the +Add Budget button to create a new budget. In the create budget view, enter a Budget Name, Start and End Dates, select the applicable Fiscal Year and enter the Amount.  Click …

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Campaign Budgets

Campaign Budgets apply to a specific campaign or employee program.  These allow further refinement and tracking of specific campaign budgets and caps. When creating a new campaign, multiple budets / caps may be set including: To set these caps, edit the profile to access the setup menu. Scroll down to campaigns. Click to add a …

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GivingTrax encourages the use of creating budgets and assigning transactions to the applicable budget.  The use of budgets is not required, but is helpful for reporting.  Program budgets are set within each campaign and overall budgets for all programs may be set. When deploying employee programs, overall caps are required to be set.

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