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How do I add a second location or profile for my organization in GIVINGtrax?

How do I add a second location or profile for my nonprofit in GIVINGtrax?

To create a new profile by cloning an existing profile, start at your home dashboard, then:

  1. Click on “Nonprofit Profile(s)”, then choose “Overview” in the dropdown menu
  2. Next, click on the icon for “duplicate nonprofit” – it’s the one that looks like two sheets of paper just to the left of the red X.
    Change the desired items & click “save”. This will duplicate most of the profile content.

Next, copying public page content and profile items to the new location profile or child organization by following these steps:

  1. To copy your public page content to the new profile, click on “GivingTrax Page”, then choose your page. Under your profile picture is an option to “edit the page”.  
  2. Select “edit microsite”, to enter edit mode, scroll to the bottom, and select “copy”.  
  3. You may select multiple items from the list on the left and multiple profiles from the list on the right to copy fields and content.  You may copy to a single profile or multiple profiles, concurrently.

Tip:  If you are adding multiple locations, create the basic profile first, then copy the content over to the new profile(s).

Tip:  We recommend you modify the public content for each location for location-specific services.

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